President Trump Tweets Support For Addressing E15 Infrastructure Barrier
September 14, 2020 |
On Saturday, September 12, President Trump released a tweet in which he indicated his intent to allow E15 gasoline to be sold through existing fuel pumps listed for gasoline blends containing up to 10 percent ethanol. In a video tweeted by Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, the President can be heard sharing with Senator Ernst his intent to issue an Executive Order allowing the sale of E15 through pumps currently offering E10, subject only to state approval. FUELIowa applauds the hard work and dedication shown by Senator Ernst to address the infrastructure barrier that has impeded E15’s growth beyond only the most recently installed retail fueling infrastructure.
FUELIowa is working diligently to sift through the details of the President’s statement. FUELIowa members are advised to wait for further guidance from FUELIowa before acting on the President’s statement as we await the release of the President’s Executive Order. As a reminder for members, current federal regulation requires that a fuel dispensing system be compatible with the product stored. An owner operator may prove system compatibility with the product stored when system components are listed by an independent testing laboratory for the product stored or the component manufacturer issues a written statement of compatibility.
The Iowa DNR requires an owner operator to complete form 542-1336 (Underground Storage Tank System Checklist for Equipment Compatibility with E-blend fuels greater than 10 percent ethanol by volume) prior to introducing a blend containing more than 10 percent ethanol into a dispensing system. Form 542-1336 requires a compatibility determination to be made on 28 separate components and must be signed by both the owner operator and an Iowa Licensed Installer. As FUELIowa continues to work with state officials on the impact of the President’s Executive Order, we will update you as more information becomes available.