National Roadside Inspection Enforcement Blitz Scheduled for June 4-6
April 16, 2019 |
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance recently announced that their annual roadside inspection enforcement blitz will take place on June 4-6. CVSA is a nonprofit association comprised of local, state, provincial, territorial and federal commercial motor vehicle safety officials and industry representatives. The Alliance aims to achieve uniformity, compatibility and reciprocity of commercial motor vehicle inspections and enforcement by certified inspectors dedicated to driver and vehicle safety.
Each year, CVSA places special emphasis on a category or categories of violations. Inspections conducted during the upcoming roadcheck initiative will place special emphasis on steering and suspension systems. In addition to the emphasis placed on steering and suspension systems, commercial motor vehicles and drivers will primarily be subject to a North American Standard Level I Inspection.
In 2018, commercial motor vehicle enforcement personnel throughout Canada and the United States conducted 67,603 roadside inspections on large trucks and buses as part of the CVSA International Roadcheck inspection and enforcement initiative. From all inspections, inspectors identified 11,910 vehicles with out-of-service conditions and 2,666 drivers with out-of-service conditions. Of the North American Standard (NAS) Level I Inspections conducted, 21.6 percent of commercial motor vehicles were placed out of service. Of all NAS Level I, II and III Inspections, 3.9 percent of drivers inspected were placed out of service.