Bottle Redemption Relief Extended By Governor Reynolds Through July 25
June 25, 2020 by John Maynes |
Today, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds extended Iowa’s Public Health Emergency Declaration which includes relief for FUELIowa members from redemption of bottles and cans at convenience stores. The proclamation signed by Governor Reynolds extends relief from bottle and can redemption through July 25. Unlike previous extensions signed by Governor Reynolds, this extension indicates that it is likely the last of its kind. According to Governor Reynolds, “… Iowans and retailers should not expect that this suspension will be extended beyond July 25, 2020, and retailers may choose to begin accepting empty beverage containers before this date with limits on the number of containers per customer or the hours during which containers will be accepted in order to phase in the resumption of redemption."
FUELIowa will continue to communicate with the Governor’s staff and present our views about the challenge of bottle and can redemption during a pandemic. The health and well-being of our member businesses, their employees and customers is our highest priority during this time.
[SECTION ONE HUNDRED NINE. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6 (6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code § 455C.3 (1) and Iowa Admin. Code chapter 567-107, to the extent that those provisions require a dealer to accept an empty beverage container on which an Iowa deposit was made. This action is intended to allow retailers who engage in the sale of liquor, beer, wine, carbonated beverages, and other beverages on which an Iowa beverage container deposit is made to stop accepting empty beverage containers for the duration of this Proclamation. Iowans and retailers should not expect that this suspension will be extended beyond July 25, 2020, and retailers may choose to begin accepting empty beverage containers before this date with limits on the number of containers per customer or the hours during which containers will be accepted in order to phase in the resumption of redemption.]