2021 Federal Motor Fuel Excise Tax Rates – No Change to Iowa Fuel Excise Tax Rates
January 5, 2021 |
What’s New?
Oil Spill Liability Tax Extended - The federal Oil Spill Liability Tax (OSLT) set to expire on December 31, 2020 is extended through December 31, 2025. Refiners pay the $0.09 cents per barrel of crude oil tax and pass it down the distribution chain as a cost. OSLT is a cost and not a tax below the refinery gate.
Alternative Fuel Mixture Credit Extended - The federal Alternative Fuel Mixture Credit set to expire on December 31, 2020 is extended through December 31, 2021. The credit is 50 cents per gallon of alternative fuel used to produce a mixture containing at least 0.1 percent gasoline, diesel, or kerosene. Qualified alternative fuels are liquefied hydrogen, P-Series fuel, liquid fuel derived from coal through the Fischer-Tropsch process, and liquid fuel derived from biomass.
Expiration of COVID-19 Commercial Aviation Kerosene Tax Holiday - The 4.4 cpg federal excise tax for kerosene used in commercial aviation is reinstated on January 1, 2021.
Click here to download a detailed summary of the 2021 Federal Motor Fuel Excise Tax Rates.
Iowa Motor Fuel Excise Tax Rates Through June 30, 2021
Fuel Type |
Excise Tax Rate Through June 30, 2021 |
Gasoline |
$0.300 |
Alcohol |
$0.240 |
E10 – E14 Gasoline |
$0.300 |
E15 + Blended Gasoline |
$0.240 |
E85 |
$0.240 |
Diesel Fuel (may contain up to B10) |
$0.325 |
B11 + Blended Fuel |
$0.301 |
Aviation Gasoline |
$0.080 |
Aviation Jet |
$0.050 |
Liquified Petroleum Gas |
$0.300 |
Liquified Natural Gas |
$0.325 |
Compressed Natural Gas |
$0.310 |
Hydrogen |
$0.650 |