Drug-Alcohol Testing & CDL Clearinghouse
Be compliant - the easy way!
ALL drivers holding a commercial drivers license (CDL) are subject to federal drug and alcohol testing rules as well as compliance with the FMCSA CDL Clearinghouse. (Effective Jan 6, 2020) This applies to both interstate and intrastate drivers with no exemptions.
FUELIowa is proud to offer a simple, low cost program for members to comply with BOTH drug and alcohol testing and CDL Clearinghouse regulations. View the informational brochure.
FUELIowa’s Drug and Alcohol Program takes care of our DOT drug and alcohol testing requirements. The program is accurate, easy, and cost-effective. We’ve compared FUELIowa’s program with other providers but FUELIowa provides the best service that meets the needs of our company.
- Jolene Dittmer, United Farmers Cooperative
For more information or enrollment forms call Jim Ewing at FUELIowa, (515) 224-7545. This service is exclusive to FUELIowa members.
DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING is required under the following circumstances:
* Pre-employment drug testing only for employees in safety sensitive positions and all CDL drivers.
* Post accident following an accident where a combination of a moving violation is issued to the driver of your vehicle and any vehicle is towed or a person is medically treated, or an accident in which a death occurs.
* Reasonable suspicion testing if a supervisor, preferably two supervisors, has reason to believe the driver is under the influence.
* Return-to-duty and follow up for drivers who violate prohibitions and are returning to work after being referred back to work by the SAP.
* Randomly, 10% of the total number of drivers must be randomly tested for alcohol during the year while 50% of the total must be randomly tested for drugs. The FUELIowa program will allow your drivers to be part of a consortium of thousands of other drivers for the purpose of random selection. If you have six or more drivers, you will be placed in your own pool, which eases budgeting.
TRAINING is also required of your supervisors and/or safety directors for recognizing drug and alcohol misuse. An employee must also be trained to administer the screening test for alcohol detection. FUELIowa, in cooperation with Doctor’s Review Service, will provide this training to you.
A COMPANY POLICY must be drafted to address this federal rule on drug and alcohol testing. A sound company policy will help to protect your company in the event that one of your employees tests positive for drugs or alcohol. FUELIowa and Doctors Review Service can develop a Drug and Alcohol Testing policy tailored specifically to the needs of your company.
CDL Clearinghouse
Employers with CDL drivers are required to register with the Clearinghouse because the regulation requires employers to use the database to search for drug and alcohol program violations related to drivers. Annually, all drivers on your roster must be queried in the database. A query is a search of the database using the driver’s name, CDL license number, and date of birth. If the search of a driver yields a result in the database, a second query called a full query is required. A full query will provide the employer with the specific details of the driver’s violation of DOT drug and alcohol testing requirements. Again, beginning January 6, 2020 as a condition of employment, employers will be required to conduct a full query of any new-hire CDL driver, which includes an existing CDL driver simply changing jobs. Moving forward, copies of query results should be stored in a driver’s file.
As the employer your Clearinghouse responsibilities are outlined in 49 CFR Part 382.701-727 (Subpart G). In addition to performing queries on existing and new-hire CDL drivers, employers are also responsible for entering information into the Clearinghouse as it relates to alcohol tests with a concentration of .04% or higher, refusals to test, actual knowledge that a driver has used a controlled substance or has used alcohol within four hours of coming on duty, negative return-to-duty test results, and any follow up testing as prescribed by a Substance Abuse Professional. Employers must also manage driver consent as it relates to the Clearinghouse. Existing drivers will need to provide you with their written consent to perform the annual query of their Clearinghouse record. Written consent may be stored in a driver’s file. New-hire CDL drivers and drivers with a query flagged by the database will need to provide electronic consent for a Clearinghouse search. Electronic consent requires the driver to register with the Clearinghouse.