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What is a PAC Fund?
The number one priority of FUELIowa membership is the association’s successful efforts to help members through the maze of legislative and regulatory issues that confront the industry. The purpose of the PAC is to help members unite together to be heard on industry issues affecting their businesses.
How Can I Participate?
With your dues notices you are given an opportunity to pay an additional contribution to the FUELIowa PAC Fund among other opportunities throughout the year. PAC contributions are voluntary and are used to support candidates that align with the interests of FUELIowa members.
PAC Money Must Be Personal
The PAC can only accept personal checks or money from LLC’s. This money in turn then can be given to candidate committees that support the FUELIowa position on issues vital to our industry.
How Are FUELIowa Priorities Determined?
There is a FUELIowa PAC committee that focuses on receiving and expending the PAC money. Annually, prior to each legislative session, the committee will review recommendations from staff and members related to candidate voting records and the help that individual has given the industry. Those recommendations are reviewed by the FUELIowa Board of Directors. The PAC committee is made up of volunteers from the membership. We strive to hand deliver PAC contributions with FUELIowa members present.
Sources of Information and Contribution Forms
Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board
GIVE TO THE FUELIowa PAC (Political Action Committee)
Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board
GIVE TO THE FUELIowa PAC (Political Action Committee)