Retail Motor Fuel Outlet Signage
August 6, 2019 |
As a reminder for FUELIowa members, Iowa’s adoption of the National Fire Protection Association’s 30A Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages requires the following warning language (or its equivalent) to be posted in the dispensing area at all facilities where motor fuel is offered for sale:
- It is unlawful and dangerous to dispense motor fuel into unapproved containers.
- No Smoking.
- Stop Motor Before Fueling.
- Do Not Leave Vehicle Unattended While Fueling.
The warning language above may appear as statements on separate labels or may be combined into one label and placed in plain view for customers.
In addition to the warning language above, unattended self-service motor fuel dispensing facilities are required to post the following emergency instructions in the dispenser area. Iowa interprets unattended to mean for any period of time no matter how short in duration.
Emergency Instructions:
In Case of a Fire or Spill:
- Use Emergency Stop Button (Indicate Location).
- Report Accident by Calling (Specify Local Fire Department Number).
Although it is not required, it is suggested that emergency instruction signage incorporate the facility address to assist patrons and responders.
The state of Iowa also requires retail motor fuel dispensing facilities using a pressurized fuel dispensing system without the presence of electronic line leak detectors capable of positively shutting down the fueling system to post an emergency response number that is monitored at all times. 911 or similar local emergency contact numbers may not be used to meet this requirement. Unattended motor fuel dispensing facilities may post a cell phone number of the facility Class A or B operator or contract with a third party emergency response provider to meet this requirement. Please contact FUELIowa at 515-224-7545 with any questions.