EPA’s High Ozone Season Concludes Sept. 16
September 11, 2018 |
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) of gasoline sold by retailers from June 1 – September 15. EPA defines this period using the term high ozone season. During the high ozone season, EPA limits the RVP of gasoline to 9.0 psi with one exception, gasoline blended with ethanol containing between 9% – 10% ethanol (E10) is afforded a 1.0 psi allowance. The allowance is critical for continuity in the nation’s gasoline supply chain. An E10 blend raises the RVP of gasoline by approximately 1.0 psi and the allowance afforded to E10 by EPA allows it to remain the predominant gasoline sold in the market without forcing unnecessary regulatory burdens on refiners.
Unfortunately, no such allowance has been granted for E15 leaving retailers with questions on whether E15 may or may not be marketed during the high ozone season when its RVP exceeds the 9.0 psi limit defined in 40 CFR Part 80.27. Fortunately for retailers and consumers, the regulatory grey area known as EPA’s high ozone season ends on Sunday, September 16 for E15. On Sunday, retailers may once again begin offering E15 to 2001 and newer passenger and flex-fuel vehicles. Retailers should place the following label on their dispenser where offering E15: