2019 Tank Tags Must Be Attached to Fill Ports by March 31
March 19, 2019 |
All regulated tanks greater than 1100 gallons must have a valid renewal tag in order to receive fuel. 2018 annual tank tags will expire April 1, 2019. If you have not received your 2019 annual tank tags but have paid, please contact Cara Ingle with the Iowa DNR UST Section at 515-725-8364. The processing of annual tank tags may be held up by the presence of compliance issues such as expired insurance; overdue compliance inspection; or the lack of a designated A/B operator for the facility. Payment of fees does not equate to authorization to receive fuel. In order to receive fuel sites must be in compliance and tags issued.
It is illegal for an UST system to operate without current tags. Owner/operators and transporters are both responsible to ensure that fuel is not dropped into a UST without current tank tags attached.
Reminder: Do Not Remove the Permanent Tank Tag. It must be present in addition to the Annual Tank Tag.